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What's Your Intention?
Do you set intentions? To be honest, this is a spiritual practice that I love and yet sometimes completely forget. What can I say? I’m...

Start Loving Yourself Today
Do you love yourself? My guess is this might be a concept you've heard of but never really embraced. It seems so "touchy feely" and...

It's Time To Rise!
This weekend is Easter. Whether this is a holiday you celebrate or not, I think it's an appropriate time to consider the concept of...

Are You In Control?
"Worthiness is about surrender - detaching from the outcome you think you need to be happy or grateful, and letting go of expectations...

Surrender Into More?
I was recently listening to a recording of one of my absolute favorite spiritual teachers, Dr. Sue Morter, when she said something that...

The Power of Surrender: Embracing What Is
Always say 'yes' to the present moment... Surrender to what is. Say 'yes' to life - and see how life starts suddenly to start working for...

Judgment & Suffering
Judgement. The very word itself feels heavy, doesn’t it? We all do it, and we all suffer from it as a result. Why do we suffer from it?...

Drawing A Blank
How are you with blank spaces? A fresh sheet of paper An empty Word document A canvas A wall A room Your mind??? I have a different...

What's Your Problem???
Life is always throwing something new our way, isn't it? No matter how old you are, no matter what your income level is, no matter who...

The Liminal Empty Nest Space
Are you in a liminal space in your life? Or maybe now you’re Googling “liminal space” because you’ve never even heard of it. Let me help...

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